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corinne at committojoy
Shadow puppets, secret chocolate, and crumbs in the bed...
Like lots of us here in the UK, I'm back online after a few days of power cuts and a little peek into how it might have been to live in a...

corinne at committojoy
Meet Me In The Space Between Worlds...
As a parent of two boys, I know how hard it can feel when our children seem lost and far away, in their own worlds, unable to connect....

corinne at committojoy
Learning the Language of the Heart
Can you see it? It's Light! Pure Love dancing and offering itself up to you...Delicious LoveLight that is available for you to play with...

corinne at committojoy
You are Pure Love Dancing
We are with you, dear, dear Ones. Yes! And how we delight, and how our Hearts, the Light that we are, expands as we connect. Connected to...

corinne at committojoy
Friends, support, and synchronised swimming as an Olympic sport…
First off, what is happening to Time?! I wake up, start to do something for a moment and when I look again it's almost time for bed. I've...

corinne at committojoy
Feeling uncomfortable, scared, unsure? Good work! You've definitely found an EDGE...
This morning I literally asked myself (outloud whilst making breakfast), 'What are you doing? This is blatantly ridiculous and a complete...

corinne at committojoy
Sometimes a bit of Sacred Silliness is just what we need...
I do like a good meditation sesh. I've been meditating since 1993 (not constantly obviously, that would be very weird, and probably a...

corinne at committojoy
Coming Out of the Cosmic Closet
I'd been feeling it building for a while. It was time to step up even more fully, do what I knew I was here to do, and allow myself to be...

corinne at committojoy
Hey Friend Shadow!
What if every time we were mean, or cross, or judged someone, it was just our friend Shadow giving us a wave and inviting us to love...

corinne at committojoy
Yes, it's a wild ride (but I wouldn't have it any other way...)
A while ago I felt really moved (in a 'Corinne, this is your deepest, truest essence speaking, and if you don't book those tickets, I'll...

corinne at committojoy
I Commit To Joy. It's on...
So I was playing around with ideas for a new project, when suddenly the phrase ‘Commit To Joy’ popped into my head. Yeah! Commit To Joy!...

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